Setting Clear Goals and Creating Action Plans – Action Exercises


You Are 100% Responsible For Your Life! – PART I Chapter 4 – Setting Clear Goals and Creating Action Plans – Action Exercises

Below are a number of exercises relating to You Are 100% Responsible For Your Life! – PART I – Chapter 4 – Setting Clear Goals and Creating Action Plans, how you approach them is up to you, you could work your way through them all or pick one or two (or three or four) and do them, you can always come back and do some more another day.

Write a SMART goal for something you want to achieve in the next month, year, or five years. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

For example,

“I want to run a 10K race in under an hour by December 31st, 2024.”

Write a list of actions that you need to take to achieve your SMART goal. Break down each action into smaller steps and assign a deadline and a priority level to each one.

For example,

Action: Register for a 10K race.

  1. Research online for upcoming races in my area. Deadline: September 30th. Priority: High.
  2. Choose a race that suits my schedule and budget. Deadline: October 15th. Priority: High.
  3. Fill out the registration form and pay the fee. Deadline: October 31st. Priority: High.

Write a vision statement for your goal that describes what it will look like when you achieve it. Use positive and vivid language to inspire yourself and others.

For example,

“I will run a 10K race in under an hour and feel proud of my accomplishment. I will enjoy the challenge and the scenery along the way. I will celebrate with my friends and family after crossing the finish line.”

See also  Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Excuses - Action Exercises

Write a list of potential obstacles that might prevent you from achieving your goal and how you will overcome them.

For example,

Obstacle: Bad weather.

Solution: Check the weather forecast and plan my training accordingly. If it rains or snows, I will run on a treadmill or do indoor exercises instead.

Write a list of resources that you will need or use to achieve your goal and how you will access them.

For example,

Resource: Running shoes.

Access: Buy a pair of good quality running shoes from a reputable store or online.

You can benefit from reviewing these exercises periodically and comparing your current answers with your previous ones. This will help you see how much progress you have made and reflect on your growth.