Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Excuses – Action Exercises


You Are 100% Responsible For Your Life! – PART I Chapter 3 – Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Excuses – Action Exercises

Below are a number of exercises relating to You Are 100% Responsible For Your Life! – PART I – Chapter 3 – Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Excuses, how you approach them is up to you, you could work your way through them all or pick one or two (or three or four) and do them, you can always come back and do some more another day.

Write a list of your limiting beliefs and excuses and challenge them with positive and rational statements.


  • Limiting belief: I can’t pursue my dreams because I don’t know what I will do if I fail.
    • Positive and rational statement: I can pursue my dreams because failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow. I have the courage and resilience to overcome any challenges that may come my way.
  • Limiting belief: I can’t trust people because I was betrayed before.
    • Positive and rational statement: I can trust people because not everyone is the same. I have the wisdom and discernment to choose who to trust and how to set healthy boundaries. I have the forgiveness and compassion to heal from past hurts.
  • Limiting belief: I don’t want to ask for what I need because I’ll be rejected.
    • Positive and rational statement: I want to ask for what I need because I deserve respect and support. I have the confidence and assertiveness to communicate my needs clearly and respectfully. I have the acceptance and gratitude to handle any response with grace.

Write a letter to your limiting beliefs and excuses, telling them why you are breaking up with them and how you will move on without them.


Dear Limiting Beliefs and Excuses,

I am writing to you to let you know that our relationship is over. You have been holding me back from living my full potential and happiness for too long. You have made me doubt myself, fear rejection, and settle for less than I deserve. You have lied to me, manipulated me, and sabotaged me. You have no place in my life anymore.

I am breaking up with you because I have realized that you are not my friends, but my enemies. You are not helping me, but hurting me. You are not protecting me, but imprisoning me. You are not the truth, but the illusion. You are not who I am, but who I was.

I am moving on without you because I have discovered that I am stronger, smarter, and braver than you think. I have learned that I can overcome any challenge, achieve any goal, and create any reality. I have found that I can trust myself, love myself, and be myself. I have seen that I can attract abundance, joy, and peace. I have become who I want to be.

So, this is goodbye. I am deleting your messages, blocking your calls, and unfriending you on social media. I am releasing your grip, cutting your cords, and burning your bridges. I am freeing myself from your influence, your negativity, and your drama. I am choosing myself over you.

Don’t try to contact me again. Don’t try to lure me back with your false promises or scare me with your false threats. Don’t try to make me feel guilty or ashamed for leaving you behind. Don’t try to make me regret or doubt my decision. It’s too late for that.

See also  Understanding Personal Responsibility - Action Exercises

You are no longer welcome in my mind, my heart, or my life. You are no longer part of my story, my identity, or my destiny. You are no longer relevant to my present, my future, or my dreams. You are history.



Create a collage of quotes, images, and symbols that inspire you to overcome your limiting beliefs and excuses and display it somewhere you can see it every day. You can display this collage somewhere you can see it every day, such as on your wall, desk, or laptop. You can also use it as a wallpaper for your phone or tablet. This way, you can always look at it and feel inspired to overcome your limiting beliefs and excuses.


  • A quote by Nelson Mandela: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” This quote reminds you that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and work hard for it.
  • A quote by Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” This quote empowers you to stand up for yourself and not let others define your worth or potential.
  • A quote by Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” This quote challenges you to change your mindset and believe in yourself and your abilities.
  • An image of a mountain climber reaching the summit. This image symbolizes your goal and your determination to overcome any obstacle or challenge that stands in your way.
  • An image of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. This image represents your transformation and growth as you shed your old limiting beliefs and excuses and embrace your new positive and rational statements.
  • An image of a sunflower. This image signifies your happiness and optimism as you follow your dreams and passions.
  • A symbol of a star. This symbol denotes your uniqueness and brilliance as you shine your light in the world.
  • A symbol of a heart. This symbol expresses your love and gratitude for yourself and others as you cultivate positive relationships and emotions.

Write a song or a rap that expresses your determination to overcome your limiting beliefs and excuses and sing it out loud.


Verse 1: I used to listen to the voice in my head That told me I was not good enough, that filled me with dread That made me feel small, weak, and insecure That made me doubt myself, my dreams, and my future

Chorus: But now I’m breaking free from the chains of my mind I’m leaving all the negativity and fear behind I’m rising above the lies and the illusions I’m overcoming my limiting beliefs and excuses

Verse 2: I used to let others tell me what I can or can’t do That I was too young, too old, too slow, or too blue That I had to fit in, conform, and follow the rules That I had to play it safe, be quiet, and be cool

Chorus: But now I’m breaking free from the chains of my mind I’m leaving all the negativity and fear behind I’m rising above the lies and the illusions I’m overcoming my limiting beliefs and excuses

Verse 3: I used to give up on my goals when things got tough That I was not smart enough, not strong enough, not brave enough That I had to settle for less than I deserve That I had to accept the status quo and not disturb

See also  Setting Clear Goals and Creating Action Plans - Action Exercises

Chorus: But now I’m breaking free from the chains of my mind I’m leaving all the negativity and fear behind I’m rising above the lies and the illusions I’m overcoming my limiting beliefs and excuses

Outro: So watch me as I soar to new heights and new horizons As I pursue my passions and my purpose with conviction As I embrace my power and my potential with confidence As I create my reality and my destiny with excellence

Chorus: ‘Cause I’m breaking free from the chains of my mind I’m leaving all the negativity and fear behind I’m rising above the lies and the illusions I’m overcoming my limiting beliefs and excuses

You can sing this song or rap out loud whenever you need a boost of motivation or inspiration. You can also create your own song or rap using your own words and feelings. Music is a powerful way to express yourself and change your mood. Have fun!

Write a role-play scenario where you act out a situation where you face your limiting beliefs and excuses and overcome them with confidence and courage.


  • Scenario 1: You are at a party and you see someone you like. You want to talk to them, but you have some limiting beliefs and excuses that are stopping you. For example, you think that you are not attractive enough, that they are out of your league, or that they will reject you. You overcome these limiting beliefs and excuses by reminding yourself of your positive qualities, by being confident and friendly, and by taking action and approaching them.
  • Scenario 2: You are at a school or work presentation and you have to speak in front of a large audience. You are feeling nervous and anxious. You have some limiting beliefs and excuses that are making you doubt your abilities and performance. For example, you think that you are not prepared enough, that you will make mistakes, or that people will judge you. You overcome these limiting beliefs and excuses by preparing well, by practicing your speech, and by focusing on your message and audience.
  • Scenario 3: You are at a gym and you want to try a new exercise or equipment. You are feeling intimidated and insecure. You have some limiting beliefs and excuses that are holding you back from trying something new. For example, you think that you are not fit enough, that you will look silly, or that people will laugh at you. You overcome these limiting beliefs and excuses by setting realistic goals, by asking for help or guidance, and by having fun and enjoying the process.

These are some examples of possible scenarios where you can act out a situation where you face your limiting beliefs and excuses and overcome them with confidence and courage. You can use these examples as a guide or create your own scenarios based on your own situations. Role-playing can help you practice your skills, boost your self-esteem, and prepare you for real-life situations. 

Write a manifesto that declares your power to overcome your limiting beliefs and excuses and share it with someone who supports you.

Some examples of what a manifesto that declares your power to overcome your limiting beliefs and excuses should include are:

  • A clear and positive statement of your intention and purpose. For example, “I am writing this manifesto to declare my power to overcome my limiting beliefs and excuses and to live my best life.”
  • A list of your limiting beliefs and excuses and how they have affected your life. For example, “Some of the limiting beliefs and excuses that I have are: I am not good enough, I can’t do it, I don’t deserve it, I don’t have time, etc. These limiting beliefs and excuses have prevented me from pursuing my goals, expressing my true self, and enjoying my life.”
  • A list of your positive and rational statements that counteract your limiting beliefs and excuses. For example, “Some of the positive and rational statements that I have are: I am good enough, I can do it, I deserve it, I have time, etc. These positive and rational statements empower me to pursue my goals, express my true self, and enjoy my life.”
  • A list of your actions and commitments that support your positive and rational statements. For example, “Some of the actions and commitments that I have are: I will set realistic and achievable goals, I will take action every day, I will celebrate my progress and achievements, I will seek feedback and support, etc. These actions and commitments help me to achieve my goals, express my true self, and enjoy my life.”
  • A statement of gratitude and affirmation for yourself and others. For example, “I am grateful for myself and others who support me in overcoming my limiting beliefs and excuses. I affirm that I have the power to overcome my limiting beliefs and excuses and to live my best life.”
See also  Understanding Personal Responsibility - Action Exercises

These are some examples of what a manifesto that declares your power to overcome your limiting beliefs and excuses should include. You can use these examples as a guide or create your own manifesto based on your own situation. Writing a manifesto can help you clarify your vision, motivate yourself, and inspire others. Sharing it with someone who supports you can also help you gain feedback, encouragement, and accountability.

Write a story about a hero who overcomes their limiting beliefs and excuses and achieves their dream.

Some possible plot choices are:

  • A young musician who has a passion for singing but is afraid of performing in front of an audience. They overcome their fear by joining a band, practicing with them, and participating in a talent show. They discover their true voice and talent and win the show.
  • A middle-aged teacher who has a dream of writing a novel but is discouraged by their lack of time, resources, and confidence. They overcome their obstacles by setting a daily writing goal, joining a writing group, and submitting their work to a publisher. They receive positive feedback and recognition and publish their novel.
  • A retired soldier who has a desire to travel the world but is held back by their physical injuries, financial difficulties, and emotional trauma. They overcome their challenges by applying for a grant, joining a volunteer program, and seeking therapy. They explore different cultures and landscapes and heal their wounds.

Or you could create a story of your own.

You can benefit from reviewing these exercises periodically and comparing your current answers with your previous ones. This will help you see how much progress you have made and reflect on your growth.